'Tis the season of transformation! The long dark winter has moved on and light has entered our days again. It is a time of awakening. Stretching ourselves and looking around at what is being uncovered.

Pets and Plants
It’s connection at its finest. We can nurture and love plants and animals in a way that creates warm fuzzies. Who doesn’t love warm fuzzies?

The M.U.D.
As we enter 2024, I am feeling a bit trepidatious to celebrate. My own personal life and the lives of my clients, friends, and families have been in the M.U.D (Mystery Uncertainty and Doubt) for more than the past few years now.
It feels like we are waiting for the next big disaster to happen. November 2024 is not that far away, and we are being smothered by politics and bad news around the world.\
How do we keep on keeping on? My answer is…